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Sviluppatore K-HISTORY

K-HISTORY uncovers a hidden history that lives in the Bay Area

You can bike, walk, or take public transit to sites of crucial historical significance! These are sites that were crucial to the pre-1945 diasporic inception of the modern Korean state!

In the early 20th century, time was running short for Korea. Japan had annexed Korea and forced its citizens to drop their language and names. This application tells the story of the first Koreans that arrived in the US, and how they scratched, scraped, and forged an existence from very humble beginnings, and how they tried to liberate a home country that was very far away and subjected by a very powerful country.

Each location includes photos, a map, and a text description of the historical significance of the place. Included are stories of political assassination and formation of grassroots groups that formed the beginnings of a provisional Korean government.

The title screen and the timeline screen include images of Dosan Ahn Chang Ho, who serves as an ambassador for the rich historical tradition included in the application. You can find Dosan’s image as a marker in the timeline, on the right hand side of the screen.

From the title screen you can reach two sections: “Place,” and “Timeline.”

Go to the “Place” section to see a list of historical sites in the order of a walking tour, starting from Angel Island. From there you can take a ferry to the Ferry Building in San Francisco, and then you can easily get to the Fairmont Hotel, which is the third location in the tour.

Go to the “Timeline” section to see a chronological presentation of the information. The historical sites are organized in the order of the date(s) when the associated events took place.

The K-HISTORY will continue to uncover hidden histories elsewhere in the United States and in other regions of the world, through enhancements to the present application and with brand new applications.


케이 히스토리 앱은 샌프란시스코 베이지역의 한국 커뮤니티의 역사를 소개합니다.
샌프란시스코에 최초로 한국인이 언제 도착했고 어떻게 한인사회가 발전해왔는지 궁금하지 않으세요? 케이 히스토리를 통해 샌프란시스코의 역사적인 사건이 있었던 곳을 경험하세요!

샌프란시스코 지역은 일제 시대 당시에 독립운동의 해외 거점 중 하나였습니다. 많은 독립운동가와 교육자, 종교지도자, 유학생, 인삼상인 등이 결집되어 수많은 독립운동 지원을 했습니다. 특히 도산 안창호 선생을 중심으로 하여 신문발행 및 독립자금 모금이 이루어졌죠.

케이 히스토리는 샌프란시스코 및 오클랜드 지역을 중심으로 한국인들이 어떤 활동을 했는지, 사진과 스토리를 통해 소개합니다.

* 타임라인: 시간순으로 어느 장소에서 어떤 일이 있었는지 보여줍니다.
* 장소: 장소별로 지도와 함께 어떠한 사건이 있었는지 보여줍니다.

케이 히스토리는 샌프란시스코 베이지역을 시작으로, 곧 미국내 다른 지역 및 유럽과 아시아의 한인정착 역사를 소개할 예정입니다. Stay Tuned!